Thursday, May 11, 2006

More About Moi


1. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My shyness. Okay, okay, before you start rolling your eyes, let me explain. I have this complete inability to interact in groups larger than 4. I become like a mute. I don't know what it is about large groups, but unless I'm giving a presentation or people are asking me lots of questions (a la a diabetes support group) I have a really really hard time talking. It's annoying as hell so I would love to get rid of that.

2. If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
I wish my mother didn't get so tired from her job so she would have more energy to hang out with me when I came home.

3. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Oh heavens. I suppose creating an online environment condusive to education and support for teens with diabetes. I think that's pretty cool. Oh, and the fact that I will indeed graduate from college in 4 years.

4. If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
I don't really know all that much about how resurrection works, but if you lead a good life you will come back as something really cool. I wouldn't mind coming back as a cat, actually. Sleeping all day, being all around adorable and loved, you get tunafish and milk. I think that would be pretty sweet.

5. What is your most treasured possession?
My imagination.

1. If you had to choose a career that had nothing to do with diabetes - what would you choose? Tell me why.
If I wasn't going to do something diabetes related, I would probably would just tick with public relations but work for an agency. Or perhaps another nonprofit.

2. Who is your favorite visual artist? What is it about their work that makes you hold them in high esteem?
Ansel Adams. I think his photographs are beautiful. I've never bought a print of his work,
but I think his work is amazing and it always makes me wish I had taken photography classes.

3. What would you say is the most pressing problem facing American youth today? If you were asked for possible solutions, what suggestions would you make?
Apathy. I think a lot of teens think that what they do either doesn't make a difference, or they just don't care enough to find out how they can help their own situations and problems. But there are so many different ways for teens to help the world. If we all did something, things really could change for the better.

4. Tell me about your greatest fear.
Dying. Not so much death and what happens after, but the actual feeling of losing life. It's a bit morbid, but it's the only unknown that I'm truly scared of.

5. Which of your five senses do you think is the most important? Why?
Sight. For me at least. I like traveling, and museums, and reading which are all best done through sight. I'm sure I would learn to appreciate what the world offers through my other senses, but there's something about sight that is very powerful.

The Julia Interview will be published sometime in the next year...


Blogger Shannon said...

Good answers :)

5:05 AM  

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